RAMS studies, Risk analysis, Safety files, Quality


In today's society, increasingly oriented towards total control and mastery of events, the safety of people and infrastructure has rightly become a primary concern. Furthermore, risk is less and less accepted, both individually and collectively. In parallel, today we are faced with important technical developments, reinforced by the 4.0 revolution, and with the increasing complexity of the machines that humans depend on to a greater degree. To support these developments and take into account higher safety requirements than in the past, quality processes and a multitude of national and international standards, operational safety directives and regulations have emerged.

In this rapidly evolving context, GESTE's safety and quality specialists bring their in-depth knowledge of transport systems, considerable international experience, a thorough mastery of specific standards and applicable methods and analysis tools. By following a global, systemic and trans-disciplinary approach, taking into account the requirements and constraints of the surrounding environment, they can ensure effective risk management and the quality of the systems throughout their life cycle. In each area, we comply with the normative framework in force locally, while following global standards such as ISO standards or CENELEC standards EN 50126, 50128 and 50129 for railway applications.

Domains of activity

  • High-speed, intercity or regional railway lines
  • Tram-train and tramways
  • Metro lines with or without drivers (STO, DTO, UTO)
  • Bus, trolleybus and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines
  • Junctions, level crossings and rail/road sections
  • Industrial and branch line networks
  • Rail and bus stations, depots, car parks and garages
  • Road and railway tunnels
  • Conventional, self-driving or innovative vehicles
  • Public or industrial buildings

Systems and equipment

  • Complete lines with railway and bus stations, garages and depots
  • Road tunnels and networks
  • Rolling stock and vehicles
  • Buildings and infrastructures
  • Equipment



  • Generic or specific application safety files in accordance with CENELEC standards EN50129, EN50128 and EN50126
  • Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)
  • Fault tree analysis (FTA)
  • HAZOP and FMEA analysis
  • SIL allocation and calculation
  • Establishment of safety plans and concepts
  • Implementation of CENELEC-compliant development processes
  • Definition of RAMS specifications
  • RAMS risk analysis and studies
  • Preparation of files for the plan approval procedure (PAP)
  • Support in procedures with the competent authorities
  • Safety concepts, proof and files
  • Audits and double-checking
  • V&V (Verification & Validation)
  • Cybersecurity


  • Railway line audit
  • Analysis of risks linked to the rail infrastructure (safety installations, civil engineering, track, points and crossings, power supply), rolling stock and operating rules and processes, with proposals for relevant mitigation measures
  • Risk assessment (quantitatively, semi-quantitatively or qualitatively)
  • Risk acceptance by GAME or ALARP approach
  • Analysis and valuation of project risks
  • Specific safety and quality management activities (planning, document monitoring, demonstration of achievement of RAMS objectives, safety validation)
  • Producing specific reports


  • Guidance and support in preparing applications to present to the competent authority
  • Double checking and expertise


  • Definition and implementation of project quality processes
  • Development of Quality Management Plans
  • Monitoring, controls and audits


Various internal products for producing fault trees, quantified risk analysis, evacuation of people ITEM ToolKit, a fully Integrated Reliability Analysis and Safety Software Reliability Workbench, Isograph's flagship suite of reliability, safety and maintainability software Other ad hoc software for risk analysis and safety studies Other software as presented under the SYS, FLW and FIR sectors.
